2020 is wrapping up, have you completed your client's annual insurance review?
2020 has been quite the year. Between COVID-19 and the Presidential Election, our clients are tense and on the edge of their seats.
As you continue to have annual reviews, don't forget to check your client's risk management plan. Whether it is comparing term prices, pulling inforce illustrations, reviewing current policies, or updating beneficiaries, it's important to review your client's insurance portfolio

Secure Policy Upload Annual review or client onboarding? Let BC Brokerage complete an insurance analysis for you today. Click here to securely upload a policy for us to review today.

Compare Term Prices
Want to make sure your client's have a competitive term price? Quote Term rates through the BC Instant Quoter today. Instant quotes, scan multiple carriers.
Click here to start running term quotes.

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We are starting to archive our content on our website. Check out the BC Blog for previous newsletter, posts, articles, and social media.

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Join us Friday November 13th to watch the second round of the Master's Tournament
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