Hello there, Happy March!

We trust you are doing well.
Here are a few of our latest updates:
Recent Q & A

Life insurance is Life Insurance.

Do you know the available definitions for disability in the private marketplace?
The “triggers” of a disability policy:
1. 15-25% loss of income
2. 15-25% loss of time
3. Loss of 1 major job duty
Some carriers only require 1 of the above, some require 2.
Make sure to read the fine print!

Are you involved in the
Financial Planning Industry?
FPA, XYPN, and more?
Is your group looking for a speaker?
We are more than happy to come speak. We have presentations on Life, DI, LTC, and Annuities, along with general insurance.
Some are CE approved!

Check out our latest podcast with Tyrone Ross Jr.!

Thank you for everyone's kind words on Broc's ACL recovery.
He's doing well!

How else can we help you and your practice? Reach out today or schedule a call. Schedule a time with BC Brokerage

Our mailing address is: PO BOX 441032 Indianapolis, IN, 46244
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This email was sent by peter@bc-brokerage.com to peter@bc-brokerage.com
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BC Brokerage | PO BOX 441032 Indianapolis, IN, 46202