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  • Writer's picturePeter C. Ciravolo

June BC Brokerage Monthly Newsletter

Our June BC Newsletter is Here!

Did you know the first day of summer starts on June 20th?

What events do you have planned this summer? We would love to hear.

As we plan ahead, we will be attending the 2021 XY Planning Network annual in person meeting located in Denver, CO.

Will you be in attendance as well? Stay posted for when we host a social event during XYPN Live in Denver, CO!

Have you checked out our latest whiteboard video?

Thank you Russ Ford at Wayfinder for the testimonial!

We cannot thank Russ Ford of Wayfinder Financial enough for his recent testimonial. As we continue to grow here at BC Brokerage, we always appreciate when our current advisors refer us to their fellow colleagues and peers in the industry!

Advisor Marketing Tip of the Month:

How to Client Appreciation Events

COVID-19 has been around for 18+ months now.

Everyone, yourself, your clients, and your referral partners, have all been pent up, working from home, and living the Zoom/WiFi life.

Want to strengthen these relationships and make your business better?

Consider sitting down one of these days and putting together a client appreciation event for August or September.

Here are a few key ideas and concepts to think of when you plan:

Create a budget and stick to it. You don't need to spend a lot of money to have a great event. I've seen great events go for a few hundred bucks! Or- partner with a realtor, estate planning attorney, your custodian (yes they have marketing $)!

Be fun! Be different. Think outside the box. Activities are the best.

Group golf lesson? Sporting Clays? Group Workout? Group Volunteer Work?

Let us know if you would like to bounce some ideas off of us. I've seen some events go very well, and others run off the rails. Pick our brains to see what works best!

Book the event 6-8 weeks out, create the invite list, create a few drip emails in the weeks leading up, make a few phone calls, and before you know it the event will occur!

Term of the Month: "Crummey Notice"

Link to Kitces image/article Named after the 1968 court case that gave rise to the rule, a “Crummey Notice” is simply a letter letting a beneficiary know that assets have been added to a trust and informing the beneficiary of his/her right to withdraw those assets if applicable. Where do we see this at BC Brokerage? When working with trusts and the gifting of annual premiums. We want to hear from you! What would you like to see in our newsletters?

Every month in our newsletter we continue to include: -Current Industry Updates -BC Brokerage Updates -A New Feature -A New Testimonial -Advisor Marketing Ideas -Term of the Month Our goal is to get to two a month and for the newsletters to be video based. We are excited to start sharing some developments that we have been working on. There isn't a day that goes by where we aren't thinking of how to serve our clients and fee only advisors in better and more efficient ways. Are you seeing something that we aren't seeing? Have an idea that you think we should pursue? Let us know! We are all hears and have built this from our experiences in the industry, the client experience, and from our financial advisors! Thank you for your continued support! We cannot thank you enough.


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